Below is a list of ‘Useful Links’ we have compiled. Please feel free to follow these links to their websites. We hope you find the information relevant and useful.
BB Zeitlyn Psychotherapy Training Fund
Supports those living or working in East Anglia who are undertaking an approved professional training in psychodynamic psychotherapy with children, adolescents or adults through provision of grants and loans to individuals; has a programme of lectures and seminars and provides discretionary funding to individuals working within NHS mental health settings.
British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
The largest body in the counselling and psychotherapy sector: accredits trainings and practitioners (including maintaining a professional register), publishes a range of journals, works with organisations to design/develop service provision,etc.
Counselling Resource
Resource site for counselling; includes diagnostic tests (e.g. for ADHD), a detailed index of psychotropic drugs and a section on ‘secure online therapy’.
The Harry Guntrip Trust
Provides bursaries (usually c. £500) to individuals living and working in Yorkshire undertaking approved professional trainings (this includes the Foundation and Diploma years of the Diploma in Groupwork Practice offered in York); runs workshops and networking events for therapists in Yorkshire.
Group Analysis North
Training and professional networking organisation for groupwork practitioners and group analysts in the North West, offers foundation, diploma and qualifying training in Group Analysis, an open median group, CPD events, etc.
The International Society for the Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis
Promotes psychotherapy and psychological treatments for persons with psychosis; offers training, conducts research and involves service users and carers in these.
Institute of Group Analysis
Largest training and membership organisation in Europe for group psychotherapists; offers and accredits professional and bespoke training; promotes research in the field.
Karnac Books
The largest bookseller of psychotherapy and psychoanalysis titles in the UK, also a publisher. Online ordering and shop in Finchley Road, London NW3. 5% discount for students.
Pink Therapy Services
Organises & promotes training and has a directory of therapists for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender.
Psychodynamic Practice
Quarterly journal looking at psychodynamic work with individuals, groups and organisations
United Kingdom Council For Psychotherapy
National professional body for the education, training and accreditation of psychotherapists, of which the Institute of Group Analysis is an organisational member. Includes a register of accredited therapists.